Lane Condition Q&A [1-20] [21-40] [41-60] [81-100] [101-120]
Bobbie November 8, 2004
Fort Gratiot
I am writing a paper on the diffrence between a synthetic lane and a wood lane.. My question is.. if both a wood lane and a synthetic lane have the same oil pattern which one will break down quicker?
Thank you
Hi Bobbie,
Normally I would think that wood lanes would 'break down' quicker, but it depends on how well the lanes have been kept up. That goes for synthetic as well as wood. But I don't really know, it is just a guess.
Joey November 7, 2004
Dear Walter Ray,
I bowl on a league where the lanes are still wood, and the oil is very heavy. What kind of ball would you recommend using or where should position be. I am a right hander and I use a brunswick Fusion Proactive I think its called. If you have any tips I'd apprieciate it. Thanks
Joey Williamson
Hi Joey,
For heavy oil I would recommend a very aggressive ball. It could be a particle ball or reactive. Most league conditions unless they are a sport pattern have a lot less oil on the outside of the lane. So if you move far enough right you should find a bit more hook. You might ask you local pro shop operator the best layout for you as different layouts will react a bit differently for different releases.
Bryce September 30, 2004
I have recently read that when it comes to adjusting for lane conditions, you dont necessarily move your mark on the lane. Instead you move your feet and where you stand. I would like to know if this is true or if you use this technique.
Hi Bryce,
When lanes start to change or I move to a pair which plays differently I am more likely to move my feet and my target. I very seldom just move my feet.
Michael August 15, 2004
Hi Walter Ray,
I would like to know how too bowl on a very short oil pattern?
Hi Michael,
Bowling on short oil patterns usually means that you don't need an aggressive ball. You will typically need more ball speed. But practice is the best thing you can do to learn.
Kenneth August 12, 2004
Warner Robins
Hello Mr. Williams,
I was blessed to win the Georgia State Champioship and the association is sending me to the Masters this October. What recommendations would you have in terms of ball selection, shot selection and drilling for the Masters pattern? Also, is it really buffed out to 50 feet?
Kenneth Lea
Warner Robins, GA
Hi Kenneth,
Congratulations on your win. I am not a ball driller and I have never seen you bowl, so I am not the best person to be giving that kind of advice. I would ask your local pro shop operator. I don't think that the ABC Masters pattern the last couple of years was buffed to 50 feet, but I don't know that for a fact. But that doesn't mean that the lanes will be oiled in a similar fashion this coming tournament. You can pretty much expect the lanes to be tough with very little room for error. Sometimes it is better to go a bit straighter on this type of pattern, but several bowlers bowled very well hooking the ball. Good luck.
Joe July 21, 2004
Hi first I wanna say that I have been following your career since I could watch TV, and your my favorite pro on tour. Im 16 years old and last year carried averages of 194 and 201. Im curious about why my average was higher on the older wood lanes than on the fairly new Brunswick Anvilane. 2nd this one is kind of mental. Last year I threw 2 279 games. The first time was during a tournament and I had the first 4 in a row and then spared the four pin and struck out. A few months later I had the first nine in a row and left the four pin. I know that I pulled the ball after the first one, but then went and did the same thing again. I was not thinking about leaving the four, but is it something mental or did I just choke. Good luck next season. Joe
Hi Joe,
Synthetic lanes don't always mean higher scores. A bigger reason for higher averages is usually oil patterns. But I wouldn't worry about that either. Another factor for scores is pin carry or how easy the pins fall down. The actual average is not as important as how you score in relation to the other bowlers. Leaving a 4 pin is normally not that bad of a shot and I wouldn't worry about it.
Mike July 18, 2004
High Point
Do you have any suggestions on bowling on extemely tight lane conditions? I have had problems in a specific tournament that runs a 37Ft flat sprots pattern. Is there and preperation that I could do to help myself to overcome the conditions?
Hi Mike,
Normally a 37 foot pattern wouldn't be considered an extremely tight lane condition unless the oil is buffed down to around 45 or 50 feet. If the lanes aren't cleaned very well that may account for the lanes being tight. Practice is the best thing to do when you are having trouble with something. I would bowl as often as I could on similar lane conditions to get comfortable with those lane conditions. Sport patterns are inherently tougher, so that may be the bigger situation.
Richard July 7, 2004
Dear Walter Ray,
How are you? I am a right-handed bowler with a soft touch on my shots and I bowled from the five bd. out to the twenty-third bd. I wanted to know is how do I get the ball to hook more? Do I have to use more side roll to get the ball to end up around the second arrow before it starts back towards the 1-3 pocket. If I'm playing deeper than the twenty-third board then how can I get the ball to hook towards the second arrow before it gets to the pocket?
Sincerely Yours,
Richard Black, Jr.
Hi Richard,
I guess that your are saying that you can play anywhere from 5 board to 23 board? That is actually a good thing. You will be more successful if you are that versatile. Side roll is important (refer to my answer on the other question you asked). It doesn't really matter where your ball starts its move back to the pocket unless it isn't getting to the pocket. You might want to take some lessons from a local bowling instructor who can give you some immediate feedback.
Jack May 11, 2004
Hi Jack,
Without being at your lanes, it is difficult to say if the bowling center is trying to make the lanes more difficult on the left than on the right. Also, since I am right handed I would only be able to guess as to how difficult the lanes are on the left based on watching the left handers bowl. Sometimes, lanes are oiled to take away the natural advantage of being left handed. That advantage is created by the fact that there is considerably less play on their side of the lane. This is a very tricky thing to do. And is almost always the case, what one player likes, another dislikes. So if no other left handers were able to score well at all compared to the right handers, then it is possible that the lanes were oiled to favor the right handers. Unless you bowl well with both your left arm and right arm, it is very difficult to make an accurate remark as to how the lanes were oiled unless you watched the machine oil the lanes and know how the machine was programmed.
Doug March 26, 2004
HI, my name is Doug Hughes, I bowl at bowling world in ft. smith ark. I'm bowling with a vortex {v2} also a hammer. we did have wood floors and my vortex done real good. but they changed the lanes to synthetic floors. since they have done that my ball has very little curve and my ball is supposed to be maxed out for the way I throw it. I dont want to change the speed I throw it. I throw about 16mph, and I guess I throw it like im fixing to shake someones hand. Sometimes I will give it a lift with the ends of my fingers. I've tried different ways to throw it but it still has very little curve. Our lanes are very oily, so I was wondering what is the best ball for a very oily floor that will come back hard in the end. Your input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Doug Hughes.
Hi Doug,
You might want to scuff you ball a bit. However, that will make it hook sooner as opposed to on the back end. You might think about slowing your ball speed a bit, that will allow the ball to hook more.
Richard March 20, 2004
Dear Walter Ray,
I enjoy watching you bowl. I wanted to know if the lanes are dry, should you move your shot to the inside of the lanes or towards the gutter?
Sincerely Yours,
Richard Black, Jr.
P.S. keep up the good work. good luck at the world championships.
Hi Richard,
It depends on how the lanes are oiled and how you throw the ball. Sometimes it is better to play an outside shot and other times playing inside is better. As the tournament director on the tour used to say, let your ball be your guide. Thanks.
Dave March 9, 2004
Mt. Olive
Hi Walter Ray and Paige,
My question to Walter Ray is about lane conditions. With all the different oiling patterns and lane types, is it possible to throw the same line (say 2nd arrow) on each pattern, by adjusting position on approach, ball speed, or hand position coming out of the ball? I see bowlers throwing across the lane with extreme hook and feel the margin for error is much greater than a basic straight up and in shot. Or is the big hook across the lane a vital ingrediant to being a Touring Proffesional? Thanks Walter Ray and Good Luck in your POY quest.
Dave Scheller
Hi Dave,
There are many lane conditions that by playing a simple little hook around the 2nd arrow you can score well, but out on tour it would be better to be able to play all parts of the lane from the channel on the right to the channel on the left. It isn't always necessary to throw a super big hook, but sometimes it will give a player an advantage on certain lane conditions. Similarly, throwing the ball straighter can also be an advantage. But, I feel, to play the same target all the time would not be very productive on tour.
Ray March 4, 2004
I am an aspiring member of the Southern Region, but due to being a full time police officer I won't get to more than 4 or 5 stops a year. Is there anything that you would suggest to make the most of each chance? I understand you may not answer due to my being a fellow bowler, but with you being the most successful bowler I have seen over the years, I had to ask. Also, of the 5 patterns currently in use do you have a favorite? Do you believe a negative side weight ball benefits a player on any of the PBA patterns? Any answer would be appreciated, and good luck on your way to the World Championships....... Ray
Hi Ray,
Practice a lot and bowl as many local tournaments you can to get used to competition to prepare for regionals. I don't really care for the 'B' and 'E' patterns. The 'B' pattern tends to favor the big hook bowlers and the 'E' pattern is way too easy. I don't really know about negative side weight being a benefit or not on the PBA patterns. I think that would depend on your game, the ball and the pattern.
James March 4, 2004
I have a question about an oil pattern that the military houses are using lately. Super wet outside and super dry in. Pretty much what the PBA is putting out. I am a med-high rev, semi-power player. I can play from the 2 board left to 25. What types balls and drillings do he and the other guys use to combat this type of condition and what type of line do they play. Down and in or a bit of hook?
Thanks for any help that you can give. How can I get me a Walter Ray Mask????
Hi James,
The PBA actually puts more oil in the middle of the lane even though most times it feels like there is more oil on the outside. It really depends on the lane conditions that you bowl on and the house. On tough lane conditions the higher rev players like to play left of the 4th arrow and usually near the 5th or 6th arrows. The straighter players will tend to play up the 1st or 2nd arrow. But again, it depends on the particular lanes that you are bowling on.
If you would like a mask or any other item, you can purchase them on our website.
Matt March 3, 2004
When a lane condition is very oily with my columbia cscour reactive 300 bowling ball, when I throw it too far towards the channel and it just hangs along the gutter should i go more direct or change my position?
Your good fan,
Matt Wyka
Hi Matt,
If, when you throw the ball too far to the right, it doesn't come back then maybe you should try to keep the ball more direct.
Mike March 2, 2004
First of all I would like to congratulate you on the solid season you are having and wish you luck in the next 2 events. Hopefully I will be able to watch you in Indy if my schedule permits.
I had a quick question on lane conditions. I average around 185 just about anywhere I go and know I could get it over 200 if it didn't take me 1 1/2 to 2 games to figure out my line(s) of attack.
Are there any way's I could learn on reading the lanes better (books, videos or otherwise) or is it simply a matter of prolonged exposure to different lane conditions that I must learn to adjust on my own.
Hi Mike,
One of the things about being a better bowler is knowing how to line up to the pocket so that you can average better. Unless you are only bowling in traveling leagues, you should have some idea as to how your local house plays from week to week if they use a similar oil pattern. Most people have more problems later in their set when the lanes start to change. Watch other players to see how they play the lanes, especially the top players. Try to watch where your ball goes when you miss your target. If your misses tend to be to the right of the pocket then you are probably to deep and need to move right, and vice versa. You might want to practice before league if you can get the chance just to see what other parts of the lane might be playing better.
Nicholas March 1, 2004
Green Lake
Hi Walter Ray,
I recently drove down to O'Fallon Illinois for the Baby Ruth competition. I thought you did very well. I participated in the Pro-Am tournament and got to bowl with Peter Hernandez. I asked him how the PBA oil was compared to the oil they applied for the pro-am tourney. He said is kind of inbetween the two and he could throw almost a whole game before having to move for his shot. My ultimate question was how do you adjust to the lane when they break down since you have such a direct shot. I love to use my whole nbody and throw it straight and hard down the lane. Thanks for any response. I am a big fan!
Hi Nicholas,
Peter is left handed and normally the left side of the lane doesn't break the oil down as fast as the right so they normally aren't going to have to make as big of an adjustment during competition. If the lanes start to break down I will usually move left. Sometimes I need to move a lot because most of the other right handers are playing left of me and all I would do is move into their hook area. When that happens sometimes I will slow down and hook it more.
Dennis February 11, 2004
What is the best way to try to bowl sport patterns. considering that i'm a medium in ball speed and everything else, and any ball characteristics recommendations?
Hi Dennis,
I think that the best way to play a sport pattern is to play a modest amount of hook and make great shots. It is a great way to work on your game so that you can see how well you are throwing the ball.
John February 2, 2004
Hi Walter Ray: Which of the lane oiling patterns do you prefer? I know you can adapt to any, but what is your favorite? Also, which of the TV finals format do you like--the step ladder, or the two semi-finals? Thanks!
Hi John,
I prefer the tougher lane conditions that are normally used in the major tournaments.
The TV formats aren't really that different. If you lose your game, you are out in both formats. If I was the leader of a tournament I would prefer the step-ladder, but since we don't have leaders I would prefer to be not in the wild card match. The less games you have to win, the easier it is to win the tournament.
Lane Condition Q&A [1-20] [21-40] [41-60] [81-100] [101-120]