Lane Condition Q&A [1-20] [41-60] [21-40] [41-60] [61-80] [101-120]
Kevin September 24, 2005
I do not usually have a problem carrying on fresh oil but when the lanes dry out and I have to stand next to or in front of the ball return on the right lane I leave nothing but corner pins. I've tried different hand positions and different balls but none really work that great. I was just wondering what you do to get the ball to carry when the lanes get really dry?
Kevin Saunders
Hi Kevin,
I tend to like lanes that hook a pinch more than those which have a lot of oil. I tend to throw the ball better when I throw it straighter and harder than when I am trying to hook the ball. It may be that you hook the ball a lot and the dryer lanes are not helping you get the ball down the lane. Have you tried some old types of bowling balls such as 3 piece reactive, urethane or even plastic? You might want to ask your local pro shop operator for some suggestions. Since I have never seen you bowl or the conditions on which you bowl it is very difficult to give a piece of advice that will always work.
Victor September 22, 2005
Hello Walter Ray,
I have been bowling NW regionals now for about 4 years and cash probably 33% of the time. Your statistics do not lie about how great you are. My question is what is the biggest factor in your success on the lanes? Another question I had is how do you live in the pocket so much on today's demanding conditions?
Thank you and look forward to seeing you at Medford in January
Hi Victor,
One of things that I do when I am bowling well is repeat shots. Also you need to be able to play all parts of the lanes and it helps to be able to throw the ball straighter and with a bit of hook at different times.
Zach August 22, 2005
Walter Ray,
I've noticed many times on Tv you will be shown getting down on your stomach to look at your lines in the oil pattern. I was wondering what exactly you are looking for (as in how to look for it) and if it's a good idea for a bowler to learn to do this. thanks -zach
Hi Zach,
After some time and depending on the surface of the lanes themselves, you can usually see the ball tracks on the lane if you get the floors eye view of the lanes. It usually takes a bit of time as dust usually helps with the process. When you do this you can see where previous balls have been thrown down the lane. Since a good bowler is looking for more friction to the right (for a right hander) this will help give you an idea of where to play.
Mike August 9, 2005
Hi, i am 16 and have been bowling for about 2 and a half years and im in 2 leagues. in 1 league that has wood lanes i am averaging 206 and in my other league that has synthetic lanes i only have a 176 average and i cannot get that up. i throw a storm reloaded and a storm x factor ace. i dont know if those balls are just not good for synthetic lanes or if it is me. Thanks
Hi Mike,
Whether the lanes are wood or synthetic probably isn't the real reason for your difference in average. You need to notice if other players who bowl in both leagues have a similar reduction in average. If their averages are about the same, then it sounds like you aren't playing the correct part of the lane at the 'tougher' house. Besides having the right ball, you need to play the correct part of the lane. And if the lanes have a tougher oil pattern then you need to make better shots to keep your average as high. It is possible that spare shooting becomes a bigger issue at the tough house also. I would watch how the top players are playing the lanes no matter where you are bowling. That is one of the things that makes top bowlers good is that they tend to play where they are supposed to.
Han July 17, 2005
Garden Grove
Hi Han,
We normally have plenty of time to warm up at our tournaments so it isn't normally a big issue for us. But, if I was bowling in a brand new bowling center and had no idea what the lane conditions were, this is what I would try. Knowing that most bowling centers put up a shot somewhere around the 2nd arrow, that is where I would start. Adjusting to where I think I need to stand and target to hit the pocket, I would then move my feet 3 boards to right and throw my shot about 3 boards to the right. I would do the same being 3 boards to the left. I would even try shots more left and right if I had enough time. The other thing I would do is watch the other good players and see how they were playing the lanes. Making good adjustments is something that happens over time.
Geoff July 14, 2005
Just wanted to congradulate you on winning your fifth ESPY Award. Man that is fabulous and I am sure your wife is happy with that to. Coming up in this new season 2005-2006 are you planning to play the lanes differently or are they going to keep the shot the same for this year, have you heard anything different? Good luck in the upcoming season I will be rooting for you.
Hi Geoff,
From what I understand, the lane conditions are going to be similar to last year. I will probably play the lanes similar to the way I did last year on those patterns, but realize that different houses will play differently with the same pattern. Also, the lanes play differently in qualifying and match play and on TV and who you bowl.
Richard July 9, 2005
Dear Walter Ray,
I went bowling recently; I wanted to know why is it that I was unable to play around the second arrow. But, when I could the ball would hook too far to the right? Secondly, when I left a ten pin the ball, would react as though it was going to make the spare but it would hook at the last minute, why is that? Lastly, how can I get my ball to stay in the pocket when playing around 17? Thanks.
Hi Richard,
It is hard to say why you weren't able to play the 2nd arrow. It may be that the lanes aren't oiled for a 2nd arrow shot or it may have been some time since the lanes were oiled. Unfortunately, I don't understand what you are asking in your 2nd question. That one didn't make sense to me. Sorry. As far as your ball hooking away from the 10 pin, that is the main reason I recommend throwing the ball as straight as possible at all your spares so that it won't hook away. It doesn't really matter where on the lanes you are playing, you need to make adjustments as the lanes change. That means that you may have to move your feet and your target to stay in the pocket. Also, you need to make quality shots.
Chuck June 21, 2005
Walter Ray,
I was wondering if you could give me some pointers on reading the oil pattern charts? I think my tournament scores would be higher if I could understand the charts that are posted. Thank you
Hi Chuck,
I don't know what charts you are looking at, but basically you want your ball to find a path to the pocket so that there is less friction to the left of where you are bowling and more friction to the right if you hook the ball from right to left. Watch the other bowlers and pay attention to your errant shots. Every lane plays just a bit different so you almost always have to make subtle moves to play the correct line. And after a lot of games bowled you may have to make large moves on the lane.
Mike April 26, 2005
I use a storm reloaded bowling ball and i do fine on wet lanes, but on dry lanes it hooks away too it me or the ball? do you think i should get a new ball for dryer lanes?
Hi Mike,
You might want to try an old ball on the lanes that hook a lot. If nothing you have seems to work then you might want to purchase a plastic or urethane ball. The other thing you can do is polish one of your other bowling balls. You might want to keep your current ball for those lanes that have a lot of oil.
Fredrik Widlund April 21, 2005
Hi Walter Ray
I'm a swedish bowler. I've seen you bowl on TV a couple of times. I have three questions for you.
1) What is your best advice(s) for being good at reading lane conditions?
2) When know approximately how a lane condition is, how do I know how to move? To the right or to the left if the lanes are dry, medium or oily.
I can say that my bowling style is medium, quite normal. I'm often playing between 1st and 2nd arrow using the well-known brunswick ball "ultimate inferno". I am not a player that's going straight but neither do I have a monster rev rate on my ball.
3) How many 300-games have you bowled on the PBA-tour?
Congratulations to all your success and keep on going good?
Thanks for answering my questions
Fredrik Widlund, Stockholm - Sweden
Hi Fredrik,
Reading lane conditions comes with experience. Watch other bowlers, especially those who are doing well and knowing how you would need to play the lanes to be close to where they are. The main thing to do is pay attention to what your ball does and if you make good shots.
Most of the times, if the ball is hooking too much I will move left and I will move right if the lanes are not hooking enough. However, sometimes the lane conditions are such that you need to make different moves due to being in the wrong part of the lane. Most of the times it is based on experience, but it is always a guess.
I have 66 PBA 300 games. I don't know how many of those are on tour, but I would guess over 40.
Jeremy April 19, 2005
Bowling Green
Mr. Walter Ray I have been bowling for most of my life, when I was younger it was just a place to go with dad but now bowling has become very fun to me and I've become very competive. I usually go bowling about twice a week and I usually average about a (130) my highest was a (206) but that was just God being good to me.
My first game is always my best and from there it goes downhill I believe is has to do with the lane conditions. I throw a curve ball and after my first game my ball always curve too much or not enough I work on my stance and release constently and have even videod my stance and release to make sure I'm staying consistent.
I would love for you to help me if your not too busy.
Hi Jeremy,
Part of being a good bowler is making good shots, but also playing the correct part of the lane. If your average is around 130, then you are probably missing too many spares. Throwing a hook is great for getting strikes, but a straight ball probably works best for spares. You might want to get some lessons to learn some of the things that will help you improve.
Lento March 25, 2005
Hong Kong
Hi Walter Ray,
I often encounter conditions that I hit the pocket light but if I move 1-1.5 boards to the right it goes brooklyn or to the nose. I am right handed. I suspect it was problem with my inconsistent release or carry down of the oil but I am not sure which. My question is, do you find such conditions on synthetic lanes ? And if so, what adjustments do you usually first try ?
Lento, Hong Kong
Hi Lento,
It may be that you are playing on what we call a wall in bowling. Carry down of oil isn't usually the culprit, but a dry part of the lane to the right of where you are/were playing and lots of oil left of that.
If you are going light and a slight move gives you too much reaction, then maybe you could try a ball that doesn't react as much. This would mean that you would be more in the dry part of the lane, but the less aggressive ball shouldn't over react as badly. You could always adjust your speed or side rotation. The other is to make smaller adjustments if possible. Maybe move your target forward or down the lane a few feet. Good luck!
Charles March 11, 2005
Walter Ray,
I want to start by saying that I enjoy watching you bowl. I am a stroker type bowler and play between 7-10 in my normal league. I am a Regional PBA member and have this to ask. Whenever I shoot a PBA Regional or ABC Nationals I have problems carrying with that line or even getting the ball to the pocket. I average 208 in league but only averaging 184 in regionals and 178 at the ABC Nationals. Do you have any suggestions for me? Should I maybe slow ball speed? (I throw about 15-16) I dont feel comfortable playing inside 10. Also it seems that the further right I stand the less the ball comes back. The ultimate line for me is standing with the outside edge of my right foot on 8 (I drift about 8 boards left) and throw about the 7/8 board.) Any suggestion will be greatly appricated. Thank you for your time. Before I forget I am right handed.
Hi Charles,
League conditions are normally much easier than PBA conditions. One of the things about being a good bowler is learning to bowl well on different lane conditions and being able to play all parts of the lane. I don't bowl the ABC Nationals as I am not allowed to, but I hear that an inside line usually works well there. Practice playing the 3rd and 4th arrows even when there isn't a shot for you there.
Ken March 9, 2005
Hi Walter Ray. Thanks for having this great forum and answering our questions about bowling.
In Indianapolis, Jim Pratt made second place using a plastic ball. I know he throws with no thumb and I would imagine puts a lot of revs on the ball.
I wasn't particularly surprised about this because I do use a 2 piece plastic ball with a relatively low RG weight block when conditions merit it.
What I was surprised about was that the PBA condition is that dry on the outside so plastic can work there.
Also, do you think him using that ball affects the other players if they are using resin balls when they come in contact with his line? I know a plastic ball pushes the oil down the lane. Can it be also used as a defensive tool to keep the other bowlers from scoring high?
Thanks for your time.
Hi Ken,
The PBA does put quite a bit of oil on the outside of the lane except for the 'E' pattern which Indianapolis wasn't. If you remember, Jim's ball didn't hook very much. Had he been on a league condition he would have been missing the head pin left. I guess if a player really knew what he was doing and had enough time, they could mess up a lane with a plastic ball, but I think that it would take quite a bit of time. My understanding is that one of the other players on that show used a very dull ball on just one lane trying to make the lanes very different to mess up the other players.
I would rather make the lanes easier for myself than try to mess up my opponents shot. But since I also make the lanes easier for my opponents if they are right handed maybe I should try a different strategy.
Jimmy March 2, 2005
Dear Walter Ray I have one problem bowling on synthetic lanes at the RoseBaoel Lanes. How can i adjust my form from wood to synthetic lanes without trying my best? Jimmy Wagner
Hi Jimmy,
The biggest difference between synthetic to wood lanes is probably the oil patterns which are used. As each bowling center uses different oil patterns, it is a matter of either knowing what pattern the center is using or watching the better players and how they attack the lanes. If your bowling center is converting to synthetic lanes and they keep the same oil pattern it may be a simple adjustment of a couple boards with your feet or target. It might even require a different bowling ball.
Tom February 24, 2005
South Bend
I would like to know what reverse oil means and forward oil and buff area all mean and are the infernals a good ball to have in a bag Thx Tom
Hi Tom,
I am not a lane maintenance guy, so I don't know all of the exact functions, but here is what I understand those terms to mean. Forward oil is when the oil is laid down on the lane as the machine is going towards the pins while reverse oil is laid down as the machine is coming back. The buff area is after the oil is laid down and the machine has a buffer which buffs out on the lane a few more feet while no extra oil is applied. The buffed part of the lane will have less and less oil the farther down towards the pins it is.
I don't know anything about the infernals.
Jim February 8, 2005
Dear Walter Ray I know to know how can i bowl on syntheic lanes and How can i adjust to the lane condition from wood to syntheic lanes? please respond asap Jim Wagner
Hi Jim,
There isn't that much difference between wood and synthetic lanes. I would bet that the problem you are having has more to due with the oiling procedure in the wood house. You might want to ask some of the better bowlers in the wood house on the best way to play those lanes.
JT January 23, 2005
First of all I would like to congratulate on winning your 40th title. I have a couple of questions for you.
1)What is the toughest lane condition for you, and how do you try to overcome the lane?
2)I am a right-handed bowler and carry a 195 average. I have some troubles on my home lanes though. They are wood lanes with synthetic covering. The oil pattern is usally dry on the outside and slick on the inside, and sometimes they reverse it. I throw down and in most of the time and I have a pretty good shot in the first game and second game. By the third game my shot is gone. I try to adjust, but my ball still goes high. I even change to a less aggressive ball, and still go high. So I was wondering if you could give me some help with this on how to adjust. Also how can I keep and good shot to the pocket all 3 games?
Thanks for taking the time to readmy questions and, good luck the rest of the season. I hope you win a couple more titles this year, and many more in years to come.
Hi JT,
Tough lane conditions may be tough to bowl on, but it is how you perform compared to every one else. Probably the toughest lane conditions are when the lanes are really different from pair to pair and there isn't any practice on the pairs you move to. You have to really pay attention to what is going on and make the best shots that you can.
If the lanes are 'breaking' down then you need to make adjustments with your feet and target. It sounds like you are making enough of an adjustment. It might be that the 'hold' that you are used to goes away and your mistakes left hook more than you are used to. You need to concentrate on making better shots.
Matt November 27, 2004
How do lane conditions affect the way you bowl?
Hi Matt,
Every lane condition has a best way to play the lane. It isn't always obvious the best way to play lanes. I tend to like to play a straighter line from an outside angle. If I don't think that will work, I will move inside (left) and maybe hook the ball. Basically it comes from trial and error. I will usually have a better idea of how I should play a lane condition on a particular surface at the end of the week.
Nate December 9, 2004
Hey well im 15 and i carry a 157 avg and i dont really understand how to tell what the lane conditions are like.
I can never tell if they ar light heavy or medium oil what is the differnce between the 3 if its a heay oiled lane does it hook more.
Well i hope you read this and write back i need your help on this.
Hi Nate,
Oil is a lubricant. Oil will help the ball go straighter. So, heavy oil will mean that the lanes will not hook as much as lanes which have light oil. However, if you throw the ball straight, the amount of oil on the lane really doesn't make that much difference.
Vadim December 8, 2004
Hello Walter Ray,
Wish you lots of luck on getting that 41st title.
I believe that you are the best bowler ever.
Not only because you are physically the best, but it is your personality, your character, you warmth to other people that makes you the best.
Don't ever change.
Now for my question.
The 62 U.S. Open Pattern features the toughest lane oil design in all of bowling. The U.S. Open condition is a "flat" oil pattern with equal oil being placed on each board, gutter to gutter.
Any comments on how to play in this heavy oil condition?
Should one throw the ball straight up the second arrow from the right?
Should one throw the ball slightly across the third arrow from the right with lots of revs?
Should one throw the ball slower & give the ball a chance to hook back into the 1-3 pocket across the middle?
The reason I am so interested is because I was considering entering that tournament as an armature. 173 average.
I understand that I won't even last thru the qualifying rounds but it would a nice experience for me.
Any pointers I can get would be very helpful.
Thank you.
Hi Vadim,
On a really difficult condition it might be best to play a part of the lane that you are most comfortable with. Pete Weber played between the 4th and 5th arrow last year while I played between the 1st and 2nd arrow going very straight.
If you average 173 your average is too low to meet the minimum average requirement to bowl in the tournament. That doesn't mean that you can't bowl in it, but I would recommend against it. If they haven't already had qualifiers in your area, you could try to qualify for the US Open that way. Best wishes.
Lane Condition Q&A [1-20] [21-40] [41-60] [61-80] [101-120]