Pitching Horeshoes in Coca-Cola Pants
Some old videos from 1972 that my brother Jeffery Williams converted from 8mm.
I am 12 years old in these and Jeff (left handed) is 11! I averaged 85-90% ringers back then and he was about 70%.
Alvin Vinsant (82%) is at around 3:20 and then later on. At around 4:15 is the 1972 World Tournament Jr Boys Championship division at Greenville OH. I ended up winning with 89.2% ringers and am in the Coke-Cola pants (checkered).
Doug Kienia finished 2nd and is in the white ‘cowboy’ hat. Mike Stout is a left hander who stands in the middle of the court.
John Passmore is in the sleeveless shirt and a few years later would average 89.5% only to finish in 4th place!
Gene Bussard also makes an appearance. At about 8:50 is 5 of us junior boys practicing on one court in Greenville OH.
At around 12:38 is the South African game of Juske (spelling?).
At 13:30 is the Men’s Championship class. Bob West (OR), Jesse Gonzales Sr. (CA) are featured.
The video link is below, you may need to be logged into FaceBook to see it.