Miscellaneous Q & A [1-20] [21-40] [41-60] [61-80] [81-100] [101-120] [121-140] [141-160]
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Kevin June 26, 2007
I would like to know who taught you to bowl. I always see these coaches in these mag. talk about the players they have taught but i never see your name in their i have watch you bowl for many yrs and from what i can see you are the greatest of all time thanks for time
Hi Kevin,
I was taught the basics when I was 11 and haven't had a lot of coaching since then. After I joined the tour, a friend of mine helped me go from 4 to 5 steps and a few years ago Mark Baker gave me some pointers on things I wasn't doing. I was a champion horseshoe pitcher before I got into bowling and I believe that my accuracy has carried over well into bowling.
Don June 2, 2007
B.C Canada
Hello Walter Ray,
I listed this question in miscellaneous as it covers equipment,and mental.
Have you ever had problems regarding your equipment with airport security checks?
I have had all my ball cleaning supplies,liquid skin confiscated by airport security staff as its considered dangerous.
My friend was caught off guard when a customs agent asked him if his ball was one piece.When he replied yes customs was ready to cut the ball in half
Is the bowling industry making a product that is non-flamable,or non toxic regarding cleaning supplies?
Unless travel is with a bowling tour,you just might get to a tournament without your equipment
Hi Don,
I do know that some bowling supplies such as liquid skin are flammable which isn't allowed on an airplane. Sometimes the inner cores of a bowling ball show up quite well in an x-ray machine and with people smuggling everything they can in everyday items, the custom officials watch out for everything. I remember many years ago a clear plastic ball had a grenade shape inside and the officials got really nervous. I don't think you could even try to take a ball like that on any plane these days. I don't know if there are non-flammable or non toxic cleaning supplies out in the market. You could ask your local pro shop operator.
Mike June 10, 2007
Park Ridge
I'm almost 15 years old and am an avid bowler. My high game is a 239 and my average is between 180 - 190. I would really like to become a professional bowler when I get older and was wondering if you could tell me what steps I would have to take. Also, do you know if there is any way I could be sponsored in my league?
Hi Mike,
I would get a good education. There are many good colleges with great bowling programs. Along with the good competition, you will receive great coaching and a good education at the same time. Joining the PBA isn't that difficult, but it does take a bit of money as you need to pay for entry fees and travel expenses. But just joining the PBA doesn't mean that you will be on tour. There are over 4,000 PBA members and only 58-59 exempt players. Most PBA members have other jobs and bowl in regionals as a hobby or a second job.
Finding a sponsor isn't easy. You need to find the right person who believes in you, but is also interested in some sort of financial return. Good luck and have fun.
Gary May 22, 2007
Well I might as well introduce myself. Maybe one day we'll meet anyway.
I'm Gary :) I appreciate the email you sent previous. Most of the emails
you get on this website is extremely redundant and I have a hard time
getting any value out of the questions! I really appreciate you giving me
answers on this. I always try and follow what you're looking for
specifically but sometimes its hard to tell. Anyhoo, here are a couple
open ended questions (please feel free to talk as long as you want
I've pretty much avoided equipment while learning how to throw the ball.
I'm finally at the point where I can say I can throw the ball like you
guys do, but generating a reaction is a total different beast. I know
coverstock is all that matters on the bowling ball and I'm really good at
manipulating the ball (Billy Hall started me off on this path) to make the
ball die in the dry and lay up or hook the entire lane if I need to. I
just tend to slow down and let my hand get around the ball more, but I
always project out! So how important is the coverstock be new? My
equipment is old as hell. It's a ball it still rolls dammit! How many
different shells do you think somebody needs to go through the span
extreme oily to bone dry?
plastic, urethane, pearl reactive, solid reactive, high / low load
particles are the only options I can think of and that's 6. Plus you can
always just sand the stupid thing. Speaking of... How often do you sand
and polish?
Okay so we have an arsenal... This is what your DVD was missing that I
really wanted to see. You just went on there with a ball and started
nailing the pocket. How did you know that was the right coverstock? In
that sense, what things do you look for when choosing a coverstock?
I also noticed that two dry spots tend to develop on lane beds. I haven't
done much research on this, but can you fit that into the puzzle at all?
This is long enough. I appreciate you taking your time to read this :)
Hi Gary,
Most lane conditions should be playable with as few as 4 bowling balls, but there are a few lane conditions that are extreme and you may need a plastic ball or a really sanded particle ball. Pros are trying to make subtle adjustments with their equipment; but in general, I feel, they have too many bowling balls. But contributing to that is the fact that the ball companies want them to always use the "latest and greatest ball". A brand new surface will react quite a bit different than an old surface. Sanding a ball with a high finish and polish will give a ball quite a bit different reaction than a dull sanded ball. Experience from your previous bowling tournaments will help you make the right decision. I think that some pros want the ball to do all of the work instead of going out and making good shots. And sometimes there is one ball that will make a huge difference, but I believe that is a rarity.
I can't speak on the two dry areas on the lane bed as I am not at your bowling center.
Martin May 11, 2007
Dear Mr. Walter Ray,
I'm a vivid fan of the sport of bowling. I participate in some leagues here in Ocala. I was wondering since you are a PILAR to the sport, Are you considering opening an independent bowling center? This is a service that is so badly needed here, since AMF has a monopoly here in Ocala. It sure will be wonderful to see this come thru.
Thanks for allowing me to communicate with you.....Marty
Hi Marty,
I appreciate that you and others think I could run a bowling center to compete with the local bowling centers in Ocala. But it seems that the bowling centers in Ocala aren't over crowded. So adding another bowling center might not be the best decision at this time. The other thing adding to that is that I am still bowling on tour and don't want to worry about a business that I would be away from. But who knows, maybe someday.
Gary April 17, 2007
Hi Walter Ray did you have a great season on tour.Whats next. are you bowling USBC OPEN What date and time. any horseshoe tournments in the near future. Gary Pautz
Hi Gary,
I did have a pretty good season on tour this season. I was hoping for a couple of other top finishes, but that didn't happen. As an exempt player on tour, I am not allowed to compete in the USBC National tournament.
I have a pretty busy summer slated so far with only a couple of open weekends through August. I'll try and post a schedule and results of my events.
Alan April 9, 2007
Hey Walter Ray, I am 22 years old and I have been bowling for about 8 months now. I
currently hold a 190 average. I practice at AMF west almost every day. I
absolutely love the sport! Mike Stiles drills my balls for me and is a personal
friend of mine. He mentioned to me that you come in every now and then and
practice. My question to you is, next time you come in would it be alright to
practice with you? I thank you for taking the time to read this and look forward
to hearing from you.
Hi Alan,
I don't really practice that much at home. When I do, I am usually "working on something" and would prefer to be by myself. Thanks for the offer though. Keep practicing and continued success!
Tommy March 31, 2007
i notice you use black tape. i was wondering what brand black tape you use?
thanks walter.
Hi Tommy,
I used to use black tape, but this last year I went to the thicker white tape. I don't really have a preference as there are a couple of companies which sell the pre cut bowling tape. I prefer the 3 /4 inch tape which is easier to put in my thumb hole.
K.A. N. March 26, 2007
Any significant bowling dates stand out in your mind? Mine is Nov. 2,2004....I
shot 700 something in a center I'd never done before, I think because I saw you
on a video on something that day...........
Hi K.A.N.,
My memory isn't that good. I don't remember the exact dates of some of the more notable tournaments I have won. I am glad that I was a positive influence on your bowling.
Dan March 21, 2007
Shell Lake
Hello paige , im interested in purchasing classic tv finals feat walter ray from
the 1980's , do any such tapes exist ?
Hi Dan,
You need to talk to ESPN, ABC and or the PBA as they own the rights to most of the PBA TV finals. But I don't believe that they are selling these finals.
Alex March 20, 2007
I have been watching you for a long time. My DVR is set to record all PBA TV
shows thanks to ESPN Classic. I was curious, do you ever put on clinics?
Hi Alex,
I do exhibitions periodically. But I don't get out to New Mexico very often.
Leshia March 19, 2007
Walter Ray, every time my husband sees you on TV, he admires your watch. Would
you please let me know the brand of watch you wear. Thanks.
Hi Leshia,
It's a Tag Heuer. I am pretty sure that they aren't making this particular model anymore. But, they are a nice watch and have some other nice looking ones. My wife gave it to me for my 40th birthday.
Mike March 13, 2007
I heard about 15 years ago that Walter Ray wrote a book regarding bowling
physics. I'd like to read it. Where can I get a copy?
Hi Mike,
I wrote my senior thesis for Physics on the Physics of Bowling. It isn't a book. It isn't readily available. If you have studied physics at college then you might be able to understand it. Let me know if you are still interested. It is basically a bunch of Physics equations.
Gary March 5, 2007
Dear Walter Ray, I am 39 years old and just started bowling. I have played less than 6 times in my life. My game is so bad that my wife beats me with her 120 average. I could not even break 100. I told her that I had a secret weapon and would beat her next time. I got on-line and purchased your dvd Faults and Fixes. Believe it or not, I watched your dvd twice and practiced one time. My lowest score was 102 at practice. I played two games with my wife just the other night. I scored a 158 and 126, both times beating her. I thank you for putting me in the right direction. I was wondering if you plan on making another instructional video anytime soon. I hope so and would recommend it to anyone. Thanks again.
Hi Gary,
I am glad that you liked my video and that it helped you out. I did another instructional bowling video at the same time called, "Lessons From the Pros". As of right now I don't have any plans in the immediate future to do more videos, but you never know.
Larry March 4, 2007
Falls Church
I've been thoroughly enjoying watching you over the years, and I'll NEVER forget when you made the 4-6-7-10! I was howling, shivering almost uncontrollably for at least 10 minutes. My neighbors must have thought I was being attacked. My question is: Is there anywhere I can view this again, perhaps on the Internet? I'd suggest you show the whole frame. Thanks.
Hi Larry,
I am glad that you were really thrilled about my picking up the big four. Unfortunately for me, I still lost the game by over 20 pins. It was sort of cool to be the only one (so far) that has done it! ESPN classic replays old TV shows everyday, and that is one of the shows that they often air. Keep trying to catch it and I am sure you will! I am glad that you enjoyed it, it was fun.
Judy February 20, 2007
Boynton Beach
I have been a high 160 low 170 bowler for years using a 14 lb ball. I had a hip replacement and went down to a 12lb and was doing really well. Still averaging in the 160's. I have hurt my back and my good leg and now am using a 10lb ball. Do you have any suggestions as to what I can do to stop leaving splits. I know I will not get the pin action, but I am frustrated at the moment. Is the trick not to cross to many boards with the ball. I currently am using an amf orbitz. Any suggestions on form or a ball at that weight. Thanks in advance
Hi Judy,
Unfortunately the lighter balls tend to leave more splits. I understand that some of the Taiwanese players use 11 pound balls and play off of the head pin for deflection with a fair amount of speed. But it sounds like you aren't able to throw the ball very hard either. It may be that you need a ball that doesn't hook that much and maybe try to hit the opposite side of the head pin. But that is a guess. Hang in there and have fun.
Alex February 3, 2007
Hey I got two questions. I bowl in a league every Saturday and like my average is 132 and like I am happy with it but Today i got some help from a parent and slowed my ball down and i hit the pocket well and the problem was that the 7 and 10 would stand up still. My second question is that my revolution now has gone much slower lately do to this and in general i use a 13 pound cross fire and i wanted to know what you might be able to help me with
Hi Alex,
Leaving corner pins is part of bowling. Hitting the pocket is the best way to get strikes, but pocket taps are a part of the game. The good thing is that they are easy spares. Work on your spares and your average will improve.
Mike January 29, 2007
Hello Walter Ray, I am the only coach at our alley that coaches adults only.
Do you have any advice on how to get the adults to want to learn how to bowl ?
I work on space station but my true love is bowling.
Regards Mike
Hi Mike,
I think that most people want to learn, but they are kind of shy about seeking help. One of the biggest obstacles is that adults tend to not have as much time. Maybe if you held some group classes a few times a week that are cost effective some of them will give it a try. Kids are usually a bit more enthusiastic when it comes to learning a sport, but when adults get into a sport they can be even more enthusiastic.
Howard January 27, 2007
Have you ever met marty piraino from syracuse , new york. i have tried to get the p b a to recognize his accomplishments. i feel he belongs in the p b a hall of fame. it may be that you can be of some help in this matter, thank you
Hi Howard,
I do know Marty Piraino. The PBA has changed their policy about getting into the PBA Hall of Fame. I believe that a player must have won 10 tour titles and Marty comes up a bit short as he has 4 PBA National titles
Dave January 24, 2007
Hey Mr. Williams. I have a weird question. i was wondering why the pba doesnt team up with ea sports to do a Denny's PBA Tour video game. they do the nfl, ncaa, nhl, and pga. i think a EA Sports PBA bowling game would be huge. it could have a season feature where you go through the whole pba season using an exempt player. or you can make your own player and go through the trails to try and be exempt. i work at a bowling alley and just from talking to people and people talking to me it would be a huge seller. thanx for your time.
Hi Dave,
I am sure that the PBA is working on a bowling video game. I know that there have been several games in the past that have been successful.
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