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Jason February 23, 2004
Congrats on your great 2nd half so far. I had the privilege of watching you in person win the ABC Masters. My question is this: Did you have anything to do with programming the software used for the pin/score-tracking device you use and have you had a chance to play with Visual Studio.NET (maybe for your horseshoe program) yet?
Hi Jason,
Thanks. No, I didn't have anything to do with the program I use for the Palm (Frames). I don't know anything about Visual Studio.Net.
Bill February 15, 2004
Coral Gables
I used to be a decent bowler years ago. I haven't bowled seriously in a league or tournament since around 1979. In the mid 70's I was averaging around 193 in league. From what I've observed and heard, this average would equate to a higher average with today's equipment and conditions. Do you agree? If so, what would be an equivalent average today?Can a fair comparison be made? Thanks, and good luck!
Hi Bill,
I would say that a 193 average in the 70's would probably be around 215-220 at most bowling centers these days. Some places might be even higher, while other might be lower.
Lim February 17, 2004
Hi Walter Ray,
I am a life long fan of yours and wish to congratulate you for doing so well. I am a national bowler in my country but i would still like to improve on my game. My average is about 210 but the thing is that i cannot shoot higher than 225 in any tournament over more than 20 games. I usually play on the outside and therefore i leave a lot of ringing 10s. Is there a way to improve on my pin carry like changing my drilling or physical game?
Thanks and best wishes.
Hi Lim,
That is very unusual to be so consistent that you never bowl over 225 if you average 210. Practice is the best way to improve. Learning how to play different parts of the lane is essential to a top player. Changing your drilling probably isn't necessary. A different ball might help on certain situations, but a physical change might also help. A physical change might also hurt your game. Find a good coach to work with you. Best wishes.
Paul February 15, 2004
St. Charles
Walter/Paige, If I can convince the bowling establishment to hold high dollar tournaments around the country so all bowlers can compete with a professional format millions of people can compete without having to pay $800-$1500 every week traveling expense. Professionals and amateurs could enjoy the sport more and young people wouldn't have to quit school or quit their job to bowl for money. They could make a career out of bowling. Also their would be greater opportunity for the pro who wants to travel around the country to enter those tournaments where there is more money in the prize fund. I know the bowling alleys need the business they could be getting when these bowlers show up for practice. The quipment manufacturers would sell more as a result. Currently league bowling is a joke because you have to pay $5-$10 per game and take 2-3 hours just to bowl 3 games believing that you are competing with another team. For me Jackpot Bowling is the only way to go because I don't get pumped until there is a real challenge . . . league bowling seems trite.
Paul Cheffy
Hi Paul,
You are correct, but where is the money going to come from. Right now, the money in most tournaments comes from the bowler's entry fees. The exception to this is the PBA tour where they have sponsors.
Connie February 11, 2004
San Jose
Hi Walter Ray,
It was great seeing you on TV again - altho I was hoping you'd take Brian (& then Pete!). Do you remember bowling at Saratoga Lanes? It is closing at the end of this month. Fiesta Lanes closed & so did Alma Bowl, it's really sad. Have you noticed bowling lanes closing in other areas, or is it just here? Bowling is such a great sport - I think it's really sad that there aren't more bowling lanes being built, instead of being torn down. You'll have to let me know if it's the same way in other states. Paige is looking very svelte on TV - has she lost weight? Hope you guys have a good week.
TC - Connie
Hi Connie,
Yes there are bowling centers that are closing across the country. In some areas the owners of the bowling centers retire and the new owners find that they can make a lot of money by selling the property or maybe that can't keep up with the rent. But there are still new bowling centers being built. I think that the number of actual lane beds is staying pretty constant, but there are certainly less bowling centers. Paige has always looked great to me, but she is looking a bit better these days.
Larry February 2, 2004
I read recently on the message board in the PBA site that you and Mika would make an awesome doubles team,,,do you think that it could happen?
Hi Larry,
Since the PBA doesn't have doubles tournaments, I don't think so. If there was a doubles tournament, I would be happy to bowl with any of the top players in a competition.
Jeff January 30, 2004
Hello Walter Ray,
Hey Im the horseshoe pitching asking guy but figured my question would be better suited to this category! First I would like to say we watched you up here in canada on both your wins it was live then we saw it the next night ! Anyways If you had the opportunity to have lunch with anyone in the entire planet who would it be? and Why? Keep winning and is the answer of 68 consecutive ringers your longest streak for horseshoe pitching? You did it twice right? Anyways keep doing what ya do best and thats WIN!
Hi Jeff,
I am very happy to have lunch with my wife whenever she will accommodate me, because she is great company. In one game I have had 56 ringers in a row twice. But over a 2 game stretch I have had 68 in a row. But that has been a long time ago.
Will January 26,
comments: My name is Will Frank. I'm a huge fan of yours. I just watched your video. It blew my mind away. I was wondering how to get the opportunity to try to be a professional bowler. I've been bowling for a long time, but the thing is, is I never can find the time to get out of the house that I'm bowling at. And I really want to learn. If you can maybe give me some pointers I'd really appreciate it
Will Frank
Hi Will,
I am glad that you enjoyed my video. Getting better at anything means putting in time and effort. Practice is one of the best things you can do for yourself to improve. When you start to get better, you should try and bowl in as many different places as you can to learn how to bowl on different lane conditions. You can also practice at your local lanes playing every single arrow that is on the lane. It may not be easy to do that, but it should help be better.
Kim January 25, 2004
Wixom Lake
Congrats on your win today. I was tired of watching the old Walter Ray tapes, so I'm glad you're making some new wins to add to my collection. I guess it's time to order your video too! My question is: I was a little worried about you playing against Mika and Barnes both with whom have given you gray hairs in the past. How did you mentally surpass them today?.................................... Best of luck for the remainder of this season.
Hi Kim,
I am not normally worried too much about my opponents. I know that they are all capable of beating me and vice versa. I try to figure out how to play the lanes and then make great shots so that I have the best chance to strike. Fortunately for me both Mika and Chris made enough mistakes for me to win the matches while I bowled very good games. That doesn't mean that the next time I play them I am an automatic winner. Every match is different. Thanks for cheering me on and I am glad that I could help you get a 'new' tape of me.
Gary January 23, 2004
Nice bowling in Tacoma what does excempt mean on tour did you bowl the Oregon tournment Is the shot for you different from our shot .I am bowling Reno National Tournment in May 20-21 on a shot that is straight down 5 board speed a facter or not how fast to you throw. and does it very to lane conditions. Have a good day
Hi Gary,
Thanks. I did bowl in Oregon, but not quite as well. The shot on tour is usually tougher than house conditions, but sometimes we do bowl on easy patterns. I have no idea what the lane conditions will be like in Reno when you bowl. Typically on fresh oil they will be very tight and then will start to hook quite a bit after a couple of rounds of competition.
Sometimes I do throw the ball hard, but sometimes I throw it slow so that I can hook it.
Good luck in Reno.
Michael January 3, 2004
Washington DC
Happy New Year! I am 41 years old and have not bowled competively since high school and started bowling again last year. I have not decided to join any sanctioned leagues, but I did join a (supposed) noncompetitive church leage at the church's family center. I cannot believe the price of bowling today and the cost for bowling balls and accessories. I am thinking about at least becoming a member of the ABC even though the church does not want to be sanctioned. What are your feelings about the excessive costs for the game, do you think its greed or inflation? I personally believe that bowling can grow to a more productive and festive sport if the costs were not so expensive. Are you familiar with the new bowling gadget called Thom's Thum?
Hi Michael,
Bowling like most everything else costs money. Bowling centers are expensive buildings which need to be paid for plus employees being paid. You are more than welcome to join the ABC. You can get info at www.bowl.com. Even if you aren't a member of a sanctioned league, joining the ABC is a way of supporting the organization which governs bowling.
I am not familiar with Thom's Thum.
Jeff January 14, 2004
Santa Susana
Are you going to be doing any appearances out here in Cali. around the U.S. Open? If not when is the best time to get a picture,or autograph,or handshake,or kick in the but?:) Also, are you particapating in the pro-am here at Fountain Bowl?
Hi Jeff,
I don't have any scheduled appearances in Southern California while I am down there bowling in the US Open. I don't know what the schedule is for Pro-Am's, but it is possible that I might not bowl in one depending on the schedule. However there will be a practice session which would be the best time to get any autographs and pictures.
Rob December 31, 2003
Palm Beach Gardens
Goood Morning Walter Ray,
I am a big fan of yours and just had a couple of questions for you. I really missed seeing you perform on th TV this year,are you injured. I am an average Horseshoe also and would like to see you pitch horseshoes if ever come to my area in south Florida anytime soon. Keep up the good work you are making bowling real enjoyable.
Thanks for listening
Rob Kisner
Hi Rob,
I haven't been injured, but I have been struggling this season compared to most of my other years in the past 18 years. I hope you saw my win last week in Seattle.
I do pitch horseshoes in Florida, but most of the tournaments are in the central part of the state. You can check out the Florida Association's website at http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Dome/9489/ . Maybe you could play in a tournament or two.
Anonymous December 12, 2003
Hey Walter Ray
I was just wonderin since you know Pat and Chuck Carr, i was wonderin if you knew that they had to close their bowling alley b/c of money problems, so now our high school team has to bowl in Napoleon which really stinks. O and i was wonderin also why i havent seen you on TV for the PBA this season, are you havin a bad year, well i hope you start to do better. Bye
I did hear that the Carr's were losing their bowling center. It is a shame when things like that happen. They really seemed to love their bowling center and their customers.
I have struggled a bit this season, but hopefully I will snap out of it and get it going in the next few months.
Tom December 4, 2003
First question: How ringers did you throw in a row?
Second question: I can't keep my hand behind the ball on follow through and this leads to a relatively straight ball or a roll out. How can I fix it?
Last question: Where have you been on Sunday? I really look foward to watching you compete for the title on ESPN.
I plan the whole day around it. Hope you will be back there soon.
Incidently, I am 33 years old. Not just some kid, and have bowled with my thumb out of the ball for about 9 years. This is why I ask about release because thumb out is very inconsistent. Thanks for taking the time to read this and answer back if you have time please. Good luck in Windsor Locks. I will be at the Mohegan Sun finals to watch. Hope to see you there too.
Hi Tom,
1st answer: I have thrown 68 ringers in a row in competition (over 2 games), 56 in a row at the World Championship and 114 in practice.
2nd answer: If your ball goes very straight, it is more likely that it is because you have your hand behind the ball. What you might want to try is getting your hand more on the side of the ball at the point of release. You might want to have a coach help you with this.
3rd answer: I would advise learning how to bowl with your thumb. If your delivery isn't very consistent then you aren't really getting that much out of your current release. I haven't been bowling quite as well lately and therefore haven't been getting to bowl on Sundays. Hopefully I will turn my bowling around and get back on TV. I hope you had fun watching the tournaments that we had in Connecticut.
Ed November 6, 2003
Walter Ray, i know you're struggling a bit this season so far, but it's just a matter of time when you'll rise to the top again i'm sure. i'm looking forward to seeing you bowl at the this years tour stop in nov. in latham, ny best of luck getting back on the t.v. show!!! best wishes, ed
Hi Ed,
Thanks and hopefully I can make it to a couple of TV finals before the year is up.
Larry October 27, 2003
St. Charles
Hi Walter Ray,
Hey I am in a fantasy league, you are the most expensive player in the league. (because your the best)
And I have you on my team, but the rest of my team takes a hit because of your price and thats fine as long as you do good, so if you feel your going to do bad one week because of a particular type of shot or you just dont feel good could you let me know by wed. so I can ajust my team
Hi Larry,
Thanks for choosing me for your fantasy team. I plan on bowling well in every tournament, but sometimes it doesn't work out the way that I want, such as this last week. Remember, when I don't bowl well, I have to answer to someone a little closer to home!
Richard October 15, 2003
I have heard rumors that you have been thinking about opening a Bowling Center along Rt 200 near Top of the World. Any truth to this rumor? True or not, would love to see it happen....
Hi Richard,
I have no immediate plans to open any bowling center at this time. But thanks.
Greg October 9, 2003
Hey Walter Ray, how are you doing? I wanted to get your thoughts on Bill Taylor if I could. I've been bowling for 4 years now, and I've heard of Bill Taylor, but didn't know what he was about, until a guy who has been out of bowling for many years recently came back and started bowling again, and he spoke of Bill Taylor being the ultimate coach, knowing more about bowling than anyone should. Mr. Taylor came to our bowling center and put on a clinic, and I ended up looking up a lot of info on Bill and got to know what he was about. Some people call him the "bowling guru", and others just labeled him a rambling lunatic. I just wanted to get your thoughts on Mr. Taylor, and if you have met the guy, or worked with him at all. Thanks, and I hope you have as great of a year as you did last year!
Hi Greg,
I have met Bill Taylor, but I have never worked with him. But then I haven't really had much coaching over the years. I don't really know all of his thoughts on bowling, so it would be improper of me to make a public statement on him about what I have heard. If you feel that he helps you, then that is the most important thing between you and your coach.
Joseph October 8, 2003
Yuba City
I have been bowling since I was about 3 years old. You have been my idol since I saw you on t.v. for the first time. Me and my dad have been bowling in tournaments until I was about 13 or 14 years old, we did pretty good in them. I have had a passion for bowling ever since I started. I am on a league now having a great time. I wanted to take it to the next level and prepare to become a professional. I was wondering what steps you did to become a professional and what some suggestions might be for me. I thank you for your time in reading my question.
Thank You Joseph Dagostino
Hi Joseph,
When I started to get serious about bowling I bowled in the best scratch leagues I could find and as many local tournaments that I could. Being a good professional bowler means that you must be able to adapt to as many lane conditions as possible. I would also encourage an aspiring pro bowler to find difficult lane conditions to bowl on, for practice, league and tournament play. Bowl in a PBA regional as a non member to see what the competition is like. Good luck.
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