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[161-180] [181-200] [201-220]
Mike December 31, 2006
Has Walter Ray ever made a video bowling game?
Mike McCoy
Toronto, Canada
Hi Mike,
I haven't made a bowling game, but have been used in some bowling games.
Tom January 10, 2007
Walter Ray:
I haven't been able to find an email address for the commissioner...i'm
very upset the way pete weber represents the PBA. do they not know what
it means when he uses his hands from the croch area with his gesture.
please help me with this...he is doing a terrible injustice to the sport.
Hi Tom,
From the PBA's website, you should be able to contact the PBA directly and they should be able to forward your message to the commissioner. Go down to the bottom and click "customer service". Apparently the PBA approves of the moves that Pete makes as you see it on a lot of promotional pieces.
Mollie January 8, 2007
I just wanted to congratulate you on your excellent show of sportsmanship at the HR Block tournament yesterday. I don't know if you would have won the match or not had the person who distracted you (TWICE) not done so. Was that a TV camera person? Anyway, unlike a certain Randy Pedersen, you did not jump up and down and scream at the person, you simply rolled your ball and sat down quietly.
Good luck, Walter Ray. I hope I'm watching when you hit 43!
Hi Mollie,
That was one of the local camera men working for ESPN who kept moving while I was getting ready to bowl. I wasn't distracted when I did finally throw the ball. I definitely wasn't happy but it wasn't his fault I didn't strike. Had he moved while I was throwing the ball I probably would have yelled at him right then and there. But I waited until I was off camera to yell at him. If you remember a few years ago I yelled a few obscenities after someone took a flash picture of me right when I was letting go of the ball. I was very embarrassed by that and will try not to act like that "on camera" again. But, sometimes you just "lose it".
Jared January 7, 2007
Walter Ray, you and norm duke are my biggest heroes. your an amazing bowler and I had some questions. I avereage around a 220 and maybe 1 open a game I leave lots of 10's and 7's and 4's what can I do to help this and what can I do to make it in the big leagues
Hi Jared,
Leaving 4's, 7's, and 10's is part of the game. My main goal is to hit the pocket. If you hit the pocket you are more likely to strike or at least leave an easy spare. Keep hitting the pocket.
Steve December 13, 2006
Brian Voss has raised some suggestions on lowering the scores on the tour. One point was to use a ball(s) less reactive.
Do you believe the scores are too high and if so, what would you recommend to lower
the scoring?
Guess your wife looking real good these days picked a cruise too soon. Have fun and thanx.
Hi Steve,
I kind of agree with Brian on scores being too high, but I think that the lane conditions have more to do with the pace. No player has averaged over 220 in the US Open for the last 5 or 6 years and we still use any ball that we want.
Peggy December 12, 2006
My 13 year old son has met you a few times, and thinks your awsome. Anyway, my question is he is determined to learn how the trick of spinning the ball by the fowl line and then pushing it down the alley is done. He has spent lots of time and my money trying the tricks he has seen. I don't recall seeing you do this one but maybe you can help me anyway. Thanks, Peggy.
Hi Peggy,
I don't do this particular trick because it doesn't work very often. The lanes have to be very level and getting the ball in the correct direction isn't always easy. When you see the trick shots on TV, they have edited out most of the ones that didn't work. Basically spin the ball like a top and then give it a little push in the 'right' direction. Usually you will need to give it a couple of other guiding pushes so that it doesn't go in the channel. If he wants to learn it…just keep practicing.
Bill December 4, 2006
Walter Ray,
TWO things ..... First - congrats on a really nice comeback this week (Ace in Wickliffe); as I recall you were hovering around the cut line in the first 2 rounds (and made it) and then ran the table to the TV finals!!!
(Miss reading your thoughts and honest assesment of your results each week).
Secondily ... any general thoughts on why BOTH you and Tommy missed the same pair of the pins (4-7, right?) in the same manner (chopped) on the same (left) lane using the same type of ball (plastic "spare") in the same game??? You missing a fairly "simple" (relatively speaking) spare is such a rare occurance and this one is really one for the books.
Bill .....
Hi Bill,
The 4-8 isn't a spare that I shoot that often and I am sure the same is true for Tommy. I basically shot at it like I would a 4 pin, unfortunately I hit the 4 pin in the 'perfect' spot to chop the spare. Stuff like that happens.
Tim October 25, 2006
yea i was wondering i am a left hander and about 15 years old and my dad owns a bowling alley and i was wondering if i should go pro? i have a 220 avg. and last spring for adult child league i avg. about 227 i think i am a cranker and i dont really like hooking it straight up the 10 i like hooknig the ball and staying inside. But i seem to throw more accurate throwing straight up. My dad is a good bowler and hes very accurate probably one of the most accurate where i live. My dad does a good job drilling my balls because he also has a pro shop. But i have something im also good at basketball but i figure if i dont make it far in that i always have something to fall back on im on the varsity basketball team and was asked to bowl for varsity but i said no ive been asked so much cuse my brother is also a good bowler a little better than i am. Right now i am using a weapon of mass bias and a paradigm which is easily one of my favorite balls. i wanted to get a awesome flip but i was wondering if i should get it? do you recremend that ball for a cranker or does it not hook enough even though i probably can make it hook. My dad moved me to conventional grip because i seemed to hook it to much with finger tip. So would you recremend that ball for me or should i get something different?
Hi Tim,
It sounds like you have somebody who can help you an awful lot, your dad. I would listen to your dad as he should know your game much better than I do. You have a lot ahead of you. Being a professional athlete is not easy. Even though the top basketball players earn a lot more money than bowlers, it doesn't mean that it is easier to be more successful in that sport. Besides, in bowling, you can be active for many more years. Enjoy all of your competition.
Dustin November 3, 2006
Hello Walter Ray. I am 27 years old, and have been bowling for about 4 months, and have a knack for teaching myself. In 4 months I have brought myself from a typical 50 pin game bowler to averaging 200+. So my question is am I to old to start a "Pro Career"? Even though I've been at it for only 4 months I qualify to play in the PBA, but I'm afraid at my age my competitors would all have way to much experience for me to be a true competitor.
Hi Dustin,
Bowling 200 at 4 months is pretty incredible. It is still quite a ways to bowling on tour, but a great start. I would recommend bowling in as much competition as you can to improve your game. Getting a somewhat late start makes it a bit more difficult, but not insurmountable. Good luck!
Joseph October 29, 2006
hello walter i want to start off by saying i enjoy seeing you bowl now for my question i would like to know what you think the best way togo about getting a backer for regional tour i have bowled and regional's in the past i have cashed and i have won once i am on staff with a bowling ball company but can not seem to find a backer what is your advice
thank you for all of your help and good luck this season
Hi Joseph,
Finding a backer isn't easy. Most bowlers take care of their own expenses. Getting a backer is easier if you are really good. However, if you are really good, you probably don't need to share your winnings with someone. It is kind of a catch 22. Good luck.
Park September 12, 2006
Since the PBA Tour will be cranking up soon I would like your opinion on a bowling subject, the 8-pin tap. In an article in the American Bowler, Summer 2004, by Mark Lewis it is his opinion that the ball sends the 5-pin either right or left of the 8-pin on the tap. I think this is wrong. The headpin takes out the 5-pin and usually some other pins on an 8-pin tap.
Hi Park,
For a solid 8 pin tap, I think that you are correct about the head pin taking out the 5 pin straight back after it deflects off of the 2 pin.
Julie August 15, 2006
Park Ridge
2 questions for you. 1. just hired as an innercity chicago coach for ND for girls head bowling coach.(i was a volleyball player for 30 years in prior life), but cancer and 2 hip replacements have changed my focus - so as a newby coach are there any companies that may be favorable to donating equipment to our school. or any other suggestions - so that we can keep up with the Loyola's in the league?
2. My 12 year is a 160 avg. bowler when we can get him off the computer, but when we were up north in wisc. he was throwing horseshoes....
perfect bowling form style. do you also throw shoes with your left arm as in perfect bowling stance at the line?
just curious. and you and paige are awesome people.
Hi Julie,
I am not sure about bowling companies would donate equipment to schools. You might be able to ask a company about seconds which are balls that don't quite meet their normal standards. They might have better prices on these.
I don't know that my form is perfect when I pitch horseshoes left handed, but it is pretty decent when I do it correctly. My biggest problem when I pitch horseshoes left handed is not having a good follow through.
Jeremy July 13, 2006
Dear Walter Ray,
Our names are Michael Perry and Jeremy Thompson and we would like some information on how one of us could become sponsored.
Back in April of this year at the PBA Pro/Am in Windsor Locks, CT at Bradley Bowl, Jeremy had the pleasure of not only meeting Norm Duke but also bowled in it.
Also just about a month ago Jeremy Thompson bowled a 687 series.
Thank you for your time looking forward to hearing from you
Jeremy Thompson:
Hi Jeremy,
Getting a sponsor is very difficult. At this moment in time I don't have any. I am working on some, but apparently I want more than the companies want to pay me. All I can suggest is keep trying.
Robert June 26, 2006
Hello Mr. Williams,
My name is Robert Landron and I am the director for the Amateur Bowlers Tour Ocala Branch. I have run several events in the Ocala Area. Participation is not as I planned, would you have any suggestions as to what I can do. I truly believe in amateur events. Thank you for your time
Hi Robert,
I don't know much about amateur bowling tournaments. When I got into bowling, I thought it was great since I could find tournaments everywhere. I was often surprised that other good bowlers didn't go to some of the tournaments. But I have a different mentality than other people about competition. My guess would be to make sure that most of the semi competitive bowlers in the area know about the tournaments. You then want to make sure that the bowlers are having a good time in their competition. That is really tough because everybody wants something a little bit different. Good luck.
Morgan May 16, 2006
Hey Walter Ray, you live in Florida right? Have you heard or been to any of the youth tournaments the Loschetter family hosts here in florida...if so do you think they provide good competition and experience for the youth that is similar to what adults go through in Regional tournaments and maybe even on tour?
Thanks for your time and good luck on tour next year!
Hi Morgan,
I am not familiar with the youth tournaments the Loschetter family hosts, but having met them I would think they would be good tournaments to bowl in. I don't know how they would compare to PBA tournaments. Have fun in your tournaments and thanks.
Aaron May 20, 2006
Just wanted to know if there was any new information on the upcoming bowling video that you filmed in the Phoenix area. A couple of us are trying to keep our eyes posted on this information and can't seem to find any. I'm assuming the completion of the editing and final product are still a couple months away. But if any new information comes up, I would like to get it emailed to the above email. Thanks for your time reading this and wish you continued success. Only exception is if I get matched up with you in future PBA matches. I was the two-hander during the tournament with the area Phoenix bowlers. Thanks for letting me bowl in there. It was another great experience for me.
Hi Aaron,
Unfortunately we needed to re-shoot the instructional videos which we did in early June. I don't know the exact dates that the videos will be available, but hopefully by the end of August or September. We will try and let everyone know about them. As they are totally different I think they should be big hits.
Lisa May 11, 2006
Will you ever have a bowlers clinic?
Hi Lisa,
I don't have any plans to have a bowler's clinic, but that may change some day. But I do have some new instructional DVDs coming out soon. Thanks for inquiring.
Tom May 11, 2006
Spring Hll
Dar Walter Ray,
my ball track is very high, it is about 3/4 in away from the finger hole and 1/2 or closer to the thumb.It sometimes rolls over the thumb.I was just wondering if you had any advice on getting the track to become more consistent and away from the thumb hole.Thankyou
Hi Tom,
I have a very high track also. It is very difficult to change the roll on your ball. To get your roll away from your thumb try lifting your hand around the side of the ball. You might want to get some help from a local teaching professional.
Josh May 10, 2006
Dear Walter Ray, I am 19 and I am from southeastern Ohio. Recently I discussed with my aunt the fact she has met you on numerous occasions, her name is Marlene Cooper, a womens horseshoe pitcher from Defiance Ohio. My question is simple. When, if any time soon, are you going to be coming to Ohio in the near future so that my aunt and I have the chance to meet you?
Hi Josh,
I do know your aunt Marlene Cooper. She was a very good horseshoe pitcher at one time. My wife has even played against her. My memory isn't so good, but I think I may have even played against her. I am planning on pitching at the Ringer Classic the first weekend of July in Greenville, OH.
Nathan April 24, 2006
Hey Walter Ray,
Congratulations on winning your 41st PBA Tour Title. I am hoping you can tell me where I can find a video of you converting the Big 4 on National Television at the 2005 Bayer Atlanta Classic.
Thanks again, and good luck in the 06-07 season.
Hi Nathan,
You probably won't be able to find a video of my picking up the big 4 because ESPN and the PBA own the rights to the telecasts. There have been many showings of it on ESPN. I would watch for some of the rebroadcasts of ESPN shows. Especially if there is a rebroadcast of the 05 Atlanta Classic.
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