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Nick August 22, 2004
West Caldwell
Yes, I throw a hook with only two finger and do not use my thumb, can I bowl like that and make the pro tour. Im 17 and going to be a junior in high school. My high school has a bowling team and im going to join. Should I throw a hook with fingers? I cant throw one with three fingers, because I don't know how. How do you throw a hook with three fingers? But I throw a good hook with two fingers but it's not consistence. Could I get a scholarship for bowling? I just bowled yesterday and bowled a 140 with the two finger hooked but I only bowled two games. I kept getting 9 pins down and missed the spare. Can you give me advice to get better?
Hi Nick,
Throwing a hook with your thumb has the same principals as throwing a hook without your thumb. To hook the ball with your thumb, it can happen easier by cupping your wrist similar to the way you would without your thumb. Then the other thing is put a side rotation on the ball so that it will hook. A good way to do that is to imagine that you are tossing a football under handed with a spiral. That type of release would really get a nice hook.
Dear Mr. Walter Ray,
Hi, I've talked to you before and I was wondering if it would be ok if I gave you my weekly stats and how I've been doing. You don't have to return any of the letters if you don't want to. Thank you for your time.
Christopher Davidson
Hi Christopher,
Unfortunately, I have so much to do that I really don't feel that you would get any benefit from sending me your stats. I spend a lot of time working on my own stats and do feel that it is beneficial to track them. However, you or your coach would be the best person to analyze them.
Mike May 1, 2004
Hi Walter Ray,
I've just got into the PBA at the beginning of this year. My wife Wanda had writen you and she liked your response. It gave her another I told you so. I'd like to thank you for the web site. If I found it earlier before I got my card. I would have done it different.
The other thing I'm tring to find about is sponsors. At present time I've be getting the individual ones. I'm still don't know how to put a corporate one together. I asked PBA. They don't have any information like that. I'm just don't want to get a sponsor and in return they ask for something the PBA says I cann't do. Like personal appearances as a PBA member. I don't want to be on PBA's bad side. If you could point me in any direction. It would be a great help.
As I said in the beginning. Thanks for the web site. I hope it help a lot of up and comming bowler. I'm one of the old schoolers. I think we should help the younger bowlers see how much fun bowling is. If more school's get bowling as a sport. I think bowling is going to get a lot of new engery.
Good luck in the new season. It looks like it will be a new game. With exempt in the game. Open spots are going to have a lot of competition for them. I just hope it's the ones who love the game and will give back to the newer bowler.
Mike Cwikiel
Hi Mike,
Getting sponsors is difficult. Over the years I have had contractual agreements with different ball companies, but for the last couple of years I haven’t. And I am supposed to be pretty decent. Of course if I would settle for a lot less pay than I am willing to I could probably get one of those contracts, but it doesn’t make sense to me to do that. I do have a contract with Dexter shoes and part of any contract I make with them or any other company is that certain things must be approved by the PBA. As long as that is in your contract you shouldn’t have any problem. Also, the PBA is willing to look over a contract for a player to make sure that there won’t be any conflicts.
Larry April 12, 2004
Walter Ray, Why no pictures of the bowling balls you used this year on tour? You have numbers of them in your reports but no pictures on the website this year. I know I speak for alot of people who like to know what you are rolling. Thank you, Larry
Hi Larry,
That is my fault. I haven't taken care of keeping up my 'duties' by taking pictures of my bowling balls and sending them to my webmaster.
Michele April 11, 2004
I have started a non profit organization called Bank's Bowl Youth of Tommorrow. I set it up to assist kids from our area to learn the joy's of bowling. And to keep them off the streets and out of trouble. I was wondering if their was any information to help me get it off the ground.
My Dream,one day is to help kids that want to learn, have the right equipment. I have had some bowling balls donated by other bowlers, my manager at bank's plugs and redrills them free of charge for the kids. As nice as this is I would like to be able to get new equipment for them. I have had fund raisers and ask companies in your area for cash donations a fair result, but in order to help with sanction fees their is not alot of money left for anything else. Please if you can help with any info I would really appreciate it.
Michele McGibany
Hi Michele,
I don't know of any special information to help you in your endeavor. It definitely sounds like a worthwhile cause. I am sorry that there isn't I can do personally, but as you imagine I get A LOT of these requests. It just won't be possible. Good luck and keep up the good work!
Tony April 26, 2004
Hello Mr. Walter-Ray Williams,
I was wondering if u knew how i can get some type of sponsorship from a bowling company (Track, Columbia 300, Storm). My book average from 2001-2002 is a 195. I just started bowling in a league recently and i average about 200.
Thank you,
Hi Tony,
You might need to bowl better than a 200 average to get a bowling ball company to sponsor you. I don't have an exclusive contract with any ball company right now, so I guess I really am not a good one to ask! Good luck.
Wanda April 1, 2004
Hi, My husband joined the PBA a few months ago and wants to make it his future career (he is almost 40). He is planning to bowl as many regional tournaments as possible right now. I have told him that I do not want our lives to revolve around bowling. He says they won't. He has a fulltime job as we do have bills to pay. He has only bowled one league a week for the last few years and a few local tournaments. Can you tell me what kind of commitment it takes just to bowl in the regional tournaments? What kind of practice schedule? I can't thank you enough, yours is the only web site that I felt I could ask these questions.
Hi Wanda,
If your husband really wants to make bowling his career, then your lives might start to revolve around bowling. To be a top bowler, it probably takes about 40 games a week as a minimum in practice and tournament play. Regional tournaments usually have practice sessions on Friday with qualifying on Saturday. The finals are usually finished by early Sunday afternoon. The qualifying rounds usually take around 4-5 hours to complete. So, unless the tournament is nearby, the players are usually not going home unless they bowl poorly.
Being a successful bowler isn’t easy as there is plenty of competition. However, if he is successful at it, then there are some good monetary rewards plus the pleasure associated with being successful. I personally love the good competition that it provides. It sounds like you both need to have a serious discussion. It is possible to bowl regional tournaments and have a ‘regular’ job, which is what most PBA players do. But it does take time to do that. Best wishes to you both.
Chris March 31, 2004
Dear Walter Ray,
I was just wondering why when I throw a very good pocket shot, I always leave a 8 or 9 pin. That puzzles me. I tend to get a little frustrated when the 8 or 9 pin is left standing.
Christopher Roy Carlson
Minot, North Dakota
Hi Christopher,
Leaving a solid 8 or 9 pin is part of bowling. But if you never strike and always leave only the 8 or 9 pin when you hit the pocket then you are defying the odds. I recommend to keep hitting the pocket and sooner or later those pins will fall. I would also recommend keeping track of how many taps you actually leave and how many times you strike. It might not be as bad as you think.
Ryan March 30, 2004
My friend and I were wondering why you charge to appear at bowling centers. If you don't charge for autographs then why charge for an appearance? And why so much? My friend and I are willing to pay for your gas money, to and from, and for your games if you would bowl. This way you wouldn't lose any money. We were also wondering when the player of the year will be selected. We can't find anything about it on the PBA website so we thought we'd ask you. And who would you vote for? Thanks.
Hi Ryan,
Actually, I have thought of charging for autographs (as many other pro athletes do), but as of yet have decided that I don’t need to do that. Would you expect to have Tiger Woods come and play golf with you and your friends just for gas money? How about Michael Jordan driving up there to play a little basketball? Realistically, it would be a two-day drive up there, one day of bowling with you and your friends and two days drive home. So, I am supposed to devote five days to this and just make gas money?
It is basically a case of supply and demand. Also, my time is worth something. I would like to think that you and your friend aren’t the only ones who would like to bowl with me. And why is that you want to bowl with me? What makes me so special?
I don’t know when the PBA Player of the Year balloting will be, but I would imagine that it should be taking place very soon. I will probably vote for Mika Koivuniemi.
Matt March 22, 2004
West Chester
Dear Walter;
I am going to be in Florida next week which is March 28-April 4 and I am spending time with my grandparents Dick and Scitch Koenig you might now them. They live in Harbor Hills country club and I was wondering if you were going to be in the area. If you are going to be in the area can u e-mail me and tell me because I would love to meet you and if at all possible bowl a game against/with you and maybe get a few pointers.
I would also like to ask you a question. I started bowling when I was 5 and I stopped 2 years ago at the age of 13 and I was wanting to get back into it, but i play football and wrestle and football and wrestling are the same time as bowling and I love all 3 sports and I was wondering what should I do? Also when i bowl which is about 3 times a month with my friends I bowl okay. The last time i went i bowled a 178, a 196, and a 150. I right now throw a 14 pound poliurathane ball. I throw it with a slight hook and i hit the pocket about 75 percent of the time but strike about 45 percent of the time. I was just wondering if u think it would be time for me to throw the kinda hook you guys throw and also how long it takes to learn how to throw it? thank you for you time and I hope to hear from you real soon.
Matt Koenig
Hi Matt,
I do know your grandparents. I don't know about my getting out to practice with you when you are down here though. I am travelling a lot and we are expecting company.
It is tough sometimes to prioritize things in your life. Sometimes it is possible to focus on more than one thing, but to be really good at one thing takes a fair amount of focus. A urethane ball doesn't hook very much compared to the newer balls that are on the market these days. Throwing a hook could help your average in the long run.
Allen March 16, 2004
Hello WRW,
This question is about ball speed. I notice people say their ball speed is xx mph. But when are they actually clocking the ball speed? Is it when the ball is first released or right before hitting the pins?
One of the reps at a ball company said my 15 mph ball speed was slow. But lane machine was probably clocking it right before it hits the pins? Can you explain when to determine your ball speed?
Thank You and good luck in the Worlds.
Hi Allen,
I am not positive, but I think that most of the time, ball speed is clocked at or near the point of release. You are correct in assuming that at the pins the speed would be slower. There are a couple of top bowlers who consistently throw the ball at around 15 mph or a bit less, but pin carry can start to decline with really slow speed. You could ask to borrow a laser gun to check your speed, but I doubt that your ball rep would lie to you. Most of us think we throw the ball harder or with more revs than we really do. Sometimes it takes looking at a video of ourselves to see what is really happening.
Ashley March 15, 2004
Kingdom City
Hi, how are you doing? I was wondering where you might have gone to college. I am a sophomore in high school. I will be graduating in the year of 2006. I attend North Callaway High School. I bowl right now on a league and I would like to pursue a bowling career. I already have a bowling scholarship, and I am signed up for more scholarships for when I go to state in April of 2004. I am bowling doubles and singles. Last year I placed 28th in singles out of hundreds of kids. If you know of colleges that offer bowling majors or if you have any other advice, I would appreciate the information. If you could please e-mail me back I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!!
Ashley Kimbley
Hi Ashley,
I went to Cal Poly Pomona in southern California. But I don't believe that they have a bowling program. They didn't when I went there. There are many colleges and universities that have bowling scholarships for young ladies. I don't want to list the ones that I know as I will leave out many qualified schools. I would check ask other junior bowlers and ask the YABA officials. I am sure there is a list somewhere. Good luck.
Allen March 5, 2004
Where am I able to find your thesis on "how a bowling ball rolls down the lane". Im pretty sure thats the title, but i am just wanted to read your story. I am 17 , and im a left hander . My average is 189 and I'v ebeen bowling for 2 1/2 years. this would be great if you could give me information about this. Thank you so much for your time!
Hi Allen,
Unless you can understand calculus and physics, I doubt that reading my thesis would do much for you. It is mostly a lot of numbers and equations. I don't believe that it is published or even available on line. You could check with the California Polytechnic University at Pomona physics department.
Brian March 5, 2004
I watched you this week at the PBA tournament in Indianapolis. I asked you about items from the website and you stated that the PBA doesn't allow you to bring things to sell at tournaments. Do you remember me? This was the fourth time I've seen you in person and I'm always amazed at your ability. I was sad to see you lose in the round of 32 but you didn't go without a fight and acted like a true professional. I believe I read that you were more or less a self-taught bowler. Do you have any books, videos, etc. that you would recommend every bowler read or watch (aside from your bowling video on this site)? These may not even be 'bowling' books, but maybe books that have helped you and your bowling in some way. Also, you surly do your homework off the lanes and have stayed competitive through all the equipment changes bowling has seen (urethane, proactive, etc.)? Have you had to alter any physical facets of your game to keep up with the changes as some of the other pros have had to do, i.e. Monacelli, Jaros? I can't wait for you to break the title record! Good luck in the seasons to come. Thanks Walter Ray!
Hi Brian,
If you are interested in some of the things from website, you are more than welcome to order them. I didn't really watch many videos when I was younger due to there not really being any. I did read a couple of bowling books when I was a teenager, but I can't remember what they were.
As a professional bowler, you need to be able to play all sorts of different lines and it helps to be able to both throw the ball straighter and hook the ball. I may not be able to hook the ball like a lot of the younger players, but I can hook it a fair amount. And then I can go about as straight as anybody on tour which a lot of the young power players don't do very well. Thanks.
Kevin March 4, 2004
West Fargo
I heard that you have never drank alcohol. Is this true?
Considering how much drinking is done in most bowling centers, this would be quite a feat.
P.S. Great website!
Hi Kevin,
I have had about 3 full drinks of alcohol in my life. I don't like the taste of it and don't need it to feel good.
Pat March 2, 2004
West Salem
i read recently that wibc abc and wybc are talking about merging into one since the women have no support and had to even cancel their tour this year due to that what are your thoughts on this subject
Hi Pat,
I believe that these talks about merging have been going on for many years and don't really have anything to do with the ladies professional organization PWBA. It is sad that the PWBA isn't on the air these days, but hopefully the right things will happen and the ladies who would like to bowl for a living have that opportunity.
Scott March 2, 2004
Just a quick question, I noticed you have a VHS video out now and I am seriously thinking about getting it. Before I purchase it though, is there a possibility you will release it on DVD rather than just VHS. If so I would rather wait and get the DVD. Thanks and good luck to you on Tour
Hi Scott,
At this time I don't think they are planning on releasing a DVD version. They felt that the VHS would be less expensive and almost everybody has one. Thanks.
Tony March 2, 2004
comments: Walter Ray, I need some advice. I've been bowling for almost forty years and have never rolled a 300 game.I only bowl once a week and average 200+.What should I concentrate on when trying to throw three in the tenth?
Hi Tony,
The more you bowl the better chance you have of shooting 300. So, bowl as many times a week as is feasible for you. In the 10th frame, concentrate on your target and a good follow through.
Ryan and Andy March 2, 2004
We were wondering how you could double gutter?! I mean you bowled in the tournament for how many games and then this...did the lanes change that much or was it just bad shots????
Hi Ryan and Andy,
I was playing a shot where if I got the ball too far right, it would go in the channel and it did, twice in one frame. It was the first frame of the game and I threw a couple of bad shots. I think it is the 2nd or 3rd time in my career that I have done that. The odd thing is that they were the only 2 gutters that I threw that week.
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